Via Francigena Proceno to Acquapendente is an alternative route in Stage 37. There are many reasons for choosing this variant. Firstly, it avoids Via Cassia traffic. Most importantly, the well-preserved family owned Castle is a highlight of the medieval town. Also, along with Acquapendente, it is an entry point of the Via Francigena to Lazio....Read More
Via Francigena Montefiascone to Rome is the last 100 km of the Via Francigena from Canterbury to Rome. Walking this last 100 km is a requirement for receiving the pilgrim Testimonium in Rome. There are six stages to walk which take six days or longer for a slower more relaxed walk. Every stage if filled...Read More
Via Francigena Stage 41 Viterbo to Vetralla Leaving Viterbo Via Francigena Stage 41 Viterbo to Vetralla is an 18 km easy walk with a steep section towards the end. The walk departs from Piazza San Lorenzo, under the Loggia of the Palazzo dei Papi. Walk under the arch, down the flight of stairs and turn...Read More
Via Francigena Stage 35 Via Francigena Stage 35 from Ponte d’Arbia to San Quirico d’Orcia is a demanding walk with steep ascents and long distance. On this walk you will visit three of Sigeric’s Stopovers. It begins at Ponte d’Arbia which was his XIV or 14th place of rest, Arbia. Then on to Torrenieri, his...Read More
Via Francigena Stage 34 Siena to Ponte d’Arbia Siena to Lugicnano d’Arbia Via Francigena Stage 34 is a 26 km walk from Siena to Ponte d’Arbia. For the first 10 km there is a gradual descent from about 350 m to 190 m. After that, it is a level walk through the Tuscan ‘badlands’ for...Read More
Via Francigena Stage 40 Montefiascone to Viterbo Via Francigena stage 40 is an easy 18 km walk. There is a steep descent for about 6 km through the streets of Montefiascone and then the ancient Via Cassia Antica. For the next 6 km it is an easy level walk through fields and meadows surrounded by...Read More
Via Francigena Stage 39 starts in Bolsena Via Francigena Stage 39 Bolsena to Montefiascone is a 20 km walk. It is average in length, but has some demanding elevations. Santa Cristina Basilica is the starting point. Then there is a steep ascent to Monti Vulsini at 475 m elevation. At this height there are spectacular...Read More
Via Francigena Stage 38 is from Acquapendente to Bolsena. In 2018 Carol the Pilgrim walked in a marathon from Acquapendente with over 2000 people all clad in bright orange shirts. To date, this is her favourite stage 38 walk. So the photos and description of this stage are from the marathon. It is a 24...Read More
Via Francigena Taste of Tuscany tour from Siena to Radicofani is designed to minimise long walks and maximise enjoyment of Tuscan history, culture, food and wine. In addition, our experienced guides will give you tips on photography and sketching along the way! Our Taste of Tuscany tour begins with two days in Florence, followed by...Read More
Via Francigena Taste of Tuscany Tour Via Francigena Taste of Tuscany Tour was scheduled to start on Friday 4th September 2020. Sadly, the coronavirus meant we had to cancel the tour. Since we can’t go on the tour, please join us on a virtual jourey! Several aspects of this tour that set it apart from...Read More