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Via Francigena and the Bolsena Eucharistic Miracle

Via Francigena in Bolsena

‘Signora! Signora! Basta! No! No!’

Carol the Pilgrim was very pleased to be a part of the Via Francigena and the Bolsena Eucharistic Miracle. But, the truth is she had sinned! Despite her very best efforts, her clumsy foot managed to dislodge several flowers from under the arm pit of the sleeping Santa Cristina. As the voice from atop a ladder echoed around the narrow medieval street, she did my best to restore order amongst the flowers. But the voice became further incensed so she retreated very rapidly!

Basilica of Santa Cristina

She figured that Santa Cristina might be able to help and made my way to her Basilica and found a place to hide. The Via Francigena and the Eucharistic Miracle has a long history. All around her the procession to celebrate the Eucharistic Miracle was gathering momentum.The procession was slowly winding up and the forces were gathering.

Via Francigena and the Bolsena Eucharistic Miracle

History of the Eucharistic Miracle

This very solemn occasion has a long history. It goes right back to 1263 when a German Priest was making a pilgrimage to Rome. He stopped to celebrate Mass at the Basilica of Santa Cristina in Bolsena. But he was seriously doubting the real presence. To his surprise and dismay, the host shed drops of blood at the time of the Consecration in the Mass. The outcome was that Pope Urban IV from Orvieto created the Feast of Corpus Christi. To this day, this feast day is celebrated every year with flower mosaics lining the streets and sacred processions throughout Italy.

Via Francigena in Bolsena

Via Francigena in Bolsena

If you happen to be walking the Via Francigena in June you might be privileged to join this special procession. Otherwise, you can visit the altar dedicated to the Eucharistic Miracle in the Basilica of Sant Cristina.

Our Via Francigena Tours guided tour begins in Bolsena this year. Join us for the tour and find out all about Santa Cristina and the Eurcharistic Miracle. Also, walk the ancient medieval streets of Bolsena and visit the museum in the Castle.

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