+61 431 363 733 contact@viafrancigenatours.com
+61 431 363 733 contact@viafrancigenatours.com


Taste of Tuscany

Via Francigena Taste of Tuscany Tour from Siena
Via Francigena Taste of Tuscany tour from Siena to Radicofani is designed to minimise long walks and maximise enjoyment of Tuscan history, culture, food and wine. In addition, our experienced guides will give you tips on photography and sketching along the way! Our Taste of Tuscany tour begins with two days in Florence, followed by...
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Via Francigena Taste of Tuscany Tour Via Francigena Taste of Tuscany Tour was scheduled to start on Friday 4th September 2020. Sadly, the coronavirus meant we had to cancel the tour. Since we can’t go on the tour, please join us on a virtual jourey! Several aspects of this tour that set it apart from...
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